2019 Youth Mission Trip Covenant
You’re about to go on an adventure! But before you do, there are a few things we want everybody to agree on so our trip will be the best it can be. We’ve thought carefully about what’s important for us to be present with God, with one another, and with those that we are serving. These expectations will help to make this experience meaningful, fun and safe for everyone and it will help us create the best possible environment for God to work in our lives.
Please read this covenant carefully so you understand the policies. By signing at the bottom, you agree to respect the community we serve, the volunteers and the Refuge family.
Please read this covenant carefully so you understand the policies. By signing at the bottom, you agree to respect the community we serve, the volunteers and the Refuge family.
- I will respect and honor others – both members of my mission team and people that we work with or help in Houston.
- I will listen and obey all adults that are a part of our mission team, whether they are my small group leader, room adult, or not.
- I will not bring or use any illegal substance (drugs, alcohol, tobacco, e-cigarettes, etc.) and understand the consequence may involve being sent home from the trip at my expense.
- I will respect myself and others by not engaging in inappropriate physical conduct or violent behavior, whether physical, verbal or emotional.
- I will monitor the use of my cell phone, so that it does not interfere with what God is doing in my life and in the lives of others around me.
- I will leave gaming systems at home so that I can focus on the people and the purpose of the trip.
- I will wear clothing that is respectful of me, others, the community and God we serve.
- I will be flexible and understand that our schedule and plans will change.
- I will choose to believe the best about others rather than make assumptions or judgments.
- I will resolve disagreements in a healthy way. This means we will talk with each other and use respectful language. I will ask an adult to help if needed but will not gossip with other youth.
- I will participate in all activities and discussions and will pull my own weight in my work team.
- I will come prepared for an amazing week of service and will be open to God using me to share His love with all, including my team members.